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Basic Echocardiography Course Programe

Basic axes and measurements in echocardiography
Parasternal Long-Short Axes
Apical 4-5 spaces
subcostal window
Suprasternal window
Left Ventricular Systolic Function Evaluation
EF measurement (Simpson Method)
Teichholz Method
Visual Evaluation
Echocardiography in Acute Coronary Syndromes
Coronary Irrigation Areas
Identification of Wall Motion Defects
(Hypokinesia, Akinesia, Dyskinesia)
Finding and defining axles
Defining walls and spaces
Identification of wall motion defects
Simpson method, Teichholz method
Visual EF assessment
Course Coordinator:
Assoc. Dr. Adnan Yamanoglu
Assoc. Dr. Adnan Yamanoglu
Assoc. Dr. Serkan Dogan
MD Member Serkan Bilgin